Founder: Paul P. Harris, a young Chicago lawyer, founded Rotary on
23rd February, 1905. He died on 27th January 1947 at the age of 78.
Name: The name “Rotary” originated
through the custom of holding meetings in rotation at the places of business of the members
What is Rotary? Fundamentally, Rotary is a philosophy of life that undertakes to reconcile the ever-present conflict between the desire to profit for
one’s self, and the duty to serve others. This philosophy is on of “Service above Self” – and is based on the practical ethical principle the “He profits most who serves best”. At the 1950
Convention in Detroit, it was resolved that these two statements be designated as official Rotary mottos.
Emblem: The official emblem is a gear wheel with six spokes, 24 teeth
and a keyway in the hub of the wheel. The words “Rotary International” appear diametrically opposite depressed spaces in the rim. The official colours of the emblem are blue and gold.